Looking back at B-Unlimited 2016-2019
Find on this website the video registrations and descriptions of the literary programmes that Writers Unlimited and Bibliotheek Den Haag jointly organized between September 2016 and mid 2019 in Studio B of the Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag. Information about the current programmes organized by Writers Unlimited at Studio B can be found on www.writersunlimited.nl. The full programme of Studio B can be found on www.bibliotheekdenhaag.nl.
Terugblik - 19 June 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Living with Autism - with Filemon Wesselink, Judith Visser and Erik-Jan Harmens
How to live with autism? Both Dutch authors Judith Visser and Erik Jan Harmens investigate the impact on daily life when you have to deal with …

Terugblik - 22 May 2019 20:30 - 22:00
'Stalin's Daughter' - Biographer Rosemary Sullivan on A Life in the Shadow of a Monster
On Wednesday, 22 May, Canadian author and biographer Rosemary Sullivan is guest of honor at B-Unlimited. Michel Krielaars , Russia expert and …

Terugblik - 8 May 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Rage Becomes Her - Soraya Chemaly and Sunny Bergman on Women, Inequality and Anger
American author and activist Soraya Chemaly and Dutch documentary filmmaker Sunny Bergman entered into a conversation about anger as a tool for …

Terugblik - 3 May 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Tosca Niterink en Anita Janssen | Klimmen naar Kruishoogte
Klimmen naar Kruishoogte is de voorleesvoorstelling van amateurpelgrims Tosca Niterink en Anita Janssen . De voorstelling is het humoristische …
Read moreTerugblik - 10 April 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Dick Swaab and Alicia Gescinska: Music, the Brain and our Hearts
Wat is de invloed van kunst, dansen en muziek op ons brein? Is muzikale creativiteit een gave of een neurologisch proces? Dick Swaab , de beroemdste …

Terugblik - 5 April 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Yvonne Keuls - Voices from the Past
Ze is 87 lentes jong en begon 2019 meteen al goed. Naast een reeks uitverkochte theatervoorstellingen in de Koninklijke Schouwburg beleefde haar …

Terugblik - 14 March 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Cynthia McLeod,Tessa Leuwsha and Jörgen Raymann - Suriname: a new history
Cabaretier, acteur en presentator Jörgen Raymann ging in gesprek met schrijfsters Cynthia McLeod en Tessa Leuwsha over de geschiedschrijv…

Terugblik - 1 March 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Marcel van Roosmalen en Mohammed Benzakour - De moeder de vrouw
Op vrijdag 1 maart nam B-Unlimited een voorschot op de 84e Boekenweek die later die maand van start gaat. Het thema van de Boekenweek 2019 is …

Terugblik - 15 February 2019 20:30 - 22:00
Antjie Krog & Ellen Deckwitz: Dutch East-Indies and South-Afrka, history in poems
How can literature serve a greater understanding of history? Ellen Deckwitz (1982) wanted to write a poetry collection about her grandmother's life …

Terugblik - 1 February 2019 20:30 - 23:00
Literair Variété - Yvo de Wijs en Pieter Nieuwint
On Friday, 1 February 2019, B-Unlimited celebrates Poetry Week with Ivo de Wijs and Pieter Nieuwint 's Literair Variété , a loving and joyous …
Read moreTerugblik - 14 December 2018 20:30 - 22:00
More Than a Monster: Reading Frankenstein with Hanna Bervoets & Martijntje Smits
In 1818, Mary Shelley then just 19 years old, wrote a ground-breaking book that has inspired countless Hollywood movies until this day. In many …

Terugblik - 28 November 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Indo-European parents: stories behind the silence - Reggie Baay & Adriaan van Dis
A programme in Dutch on the colonial heritage in Indo-European families in The Netherlands. Writers Adriaan van Dis and Reggie Baay both wrote …
Read moreTerugblik - 16 November 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Dancing Bears: Polish writer Witold Szablowski on Nostalgia for Communism
In his latest book, Dancing Bears: True Stories of People Nostalgic for Life Under Tyranny , the young Polish writer and journalist Witold …

Terugblik - 9 November 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Arnon Grunberg & Abdelkader Benali | Literatuur Late Night
On 9 November, our guest was none other than Arnon Grunberg , author of Tirza , The Jewish Messiah , Blue Mondays , Phantom Pains , and …

Terugblik - 18 October 2018 20:30 - 22:00
North Korea: daily life in a mental dictatorship - the story of the refugee
Remco Breuker is a true expert on North Korea. While North and South negotiate peace and nuclear disarmament, with and without the US, Breuker warns …

Terugblik - 19 September 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Morality, Truth and Fiction in America - Bas Heijne, Brad Watson and Markha Valenta
What does America represent these days? Now that truth and fiction are blurring more and more, and moral limits are being transgressed daily, what …

Terugblik - 14 September 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Frank Westerman & Mira Feticu | Nacht van de Dictatuur | Literatuur Late Night
Wat houdt het in om schrijver te zijn onder een dictatuur? Begrijpt het Westen de cultuur in het Oosten en vice versa? Op vrijdag 14 september ging …
Read moreTerugblik - 7 June 2018 20:30 - 22:00
The Wilders Method
Philosopher Simone van Saarloos attended the trial against politician Geert Wilders, and developed a strong interest in het nationwide fascination …

Terugblik - 1 June 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Heleen van Royen & Ronald Giphart - Literatuur Late Night
Heleen van Royen and Ronald Giphart : A night about taboos, sex and erotic books... in collaboration with Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Museum …

Terugblik - 3 May 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Commemorating - a literary concert with Jan Terlouw and the Leonard Ensemble
Natuurkundige, oud-politicus, schrijver en milieuactivist Jan Terlouw geeft sinds zijn indrukwekkende optreden over het 'touwtje uit de brievenbu…

Terugblik - 20 April 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Tom Lanoye introduces South-African writer Marianne Thamm - Hitler, Verwoerd, Mandela and me
South-African writer, journalist and occasional comedian Marianne Thamm grew up in the heydays of Apartheid, amid Afrikaans neighbours in Pretoria'…

Terugblik - 6 April 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Pieter Waterdrinker & Oscar van den Boogaard - Literatuur Late Night
Een avond in het teken van de (auto)biografie, met de schrijvers Pieter Waterdrinker en Oscar van den Boogaard. Gespreksleider: Jeroen Vullings. …

Terugblik - 16 March 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Joke Hermsen & Alexander Reeuwijk - Literatuur Late Night
Het thema van de 83ste Boekenweek, die van zaterdag 10 t/m zondag 18 maart 2018 plaatsvond, was 'Natuur'. Jeroen Vullings ging voor deze extra …

Terugblik - 2 March 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Maxim Februari & Justine Le Clercq - Literatuur Late Night
'Hoe mens te zijn in een wereld die in toenemende mate bestuurd wordt door data?' Dit is de vraag die Maxim Februari wil beantwoorden in zijn nieuwe …
Read moreTerugblik - 15 February 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Kiezen is geloven - met Petra Stienen, Jaap Spijkers, Pieter Hilhorst & Frits Hendrikx
Een stoomcursus geloofwaardigheid voor kiezers (en politici) door B-Unlimited Verkiezingstijd! Tijd van gloedvolle verhalen, vurig debat en warme …
Read moreTerugblik - 9 February 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Thomas Verbogt en Koen Peeters - Literatuur Late Night
Op vrijdag 9 februari waren Koen Peeters en Thomas Verbogt samen te gast bij B-Unlimited. Jeroen Vullings ging met ze in gesprek over hun poëzie, hun …

Terugblik - 28 January 2018 20:30 - 22:00
Peter Verhelst & Marieke Lucas Rijneveld - Literatuur Late Night
De Vlaamse dichter, romancier en regisseur Peter Verhelst schreef het Poëziegeschenk van 2018 Wat ons had kunnen zijn . Tien tedere gedichten met …
Read moreTerugblik - 14 December 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Bas Heijne & Stephan Sanders
We hadden een droom - de erfenis van drie wereldverbeteraars Ze voerden een felle strijd tegen ongelijkheid, onderdrukking en haat: Nelson …

Terugblik - 1 December 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Alex Boogers & Murat Isik - Literatuur Late Night
Twee confronterende romans over afkomst, vriendschap en vergelding. Onder een hemel van sproeten van Alex Boogers speelt in een universum vol …

Terugblik - 3 November 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Annejet van der Zijl & Emily Kocken - Literatuur Late Night
Annejet van der Zijl published in 2010 Bernhard , a reconstruction of the hitherto unknown German background of Prince Bernhard. With this book she …
Read moreTerugblik - 20 October 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Franklin Foer and Eric Smit: World Withouth Mind
We socialize on Facebook, shop at Amazon and rely on Google for information. Without considering the consequences the world has embraced the products …

Terugblik - 13 October 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literatuur Late Night: Marcel Möring & Alicja Gescinska
B-Unlimited on Friday, October 13, welcomed the writers Marcel Möring and Alicja Gescinska. Host Jeroen Vullings talked with them about identity …

Terugblik - 29 September 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Week of the African Novel with a.o. Ingrid Winterbach, Willem Anker & Andries Bezuidenhout
The Week of the African novel took place in The Netherlands and Flanders between 29 September and 8 October 2017. B-Unlimited opened the Week of the …

Terugblik - 8 September 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Nacht van de Dictatuur Literature Late Night Special: Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer and Özcan Akyol
During the 'Nacht van de Dictatuur' in The Hague, B-Unlimited and ProDemos presented a special edition of Literature Late Night. Moderator Jeroen …

Terugblik - 23 June 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Age of Anger - with Pankaj Mishra and Ian Buruma
Anger as an incentive in politics seems contemporary but sure is not. Two internationally renowned writers - Pankaj Mishra, who recently published …

Terugblik - 2 June 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literary show: Karin Amatmoekrim and Ted van Lieshout
Writers Karin Amatmoekrim and Ted van Lieshout - principal guests of this Dutch-spoken literary show - were eleven years old at the time of far-reach…

Terugblik - 17 May 2017 20:30 - 22:00
The Good Lawyer - with Britta Böhler
Lawyer Britta Böhler became famous as attorney of ao. PKK-leader Öcalan, former Dutch member of parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Volkert van der Graaf, …

Terugblik - 5 May 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Music for the passage
In this programme three great artists join forces: writer Stefan Hertmans reads from his work. Koenraad Tinel paints and draws live on stage and Olge …

Terugblik - 19 April 2017 20:30 - 22:00
War in The Dutch East-Indies - with Alfred Birney and Hans Goedkoop
A programme - in Dutch - on the role of Dutch fathers and grandfathers in the Indonesian war of independence in the late fourties of the past …

Terugblik - 7 April 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Herman Brusselmans and Eva Meijer
The monthly literary show on Dutch literature, with guests Herman Brusselmans and Eva Meijer, who discuss their new books. With live music. In …

Terugblik - 26 March 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Showing Colors in Dutch Literature
A debate in the annual Dutch book week with writers Abdelkader Benali, Robert Vuijsje, literature critic Toef Jaeger and publisher Jurgen Maas. More …

Terugblik - 3 March 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Kluun and Ivo Victoria
The literary show is a monthly programme on Dutch literature, this time hosted by Jeroen Vullings. Main guests on this evening are Kluun and Ivo …

Terugblik - 15 February 2017 20:30 - 22:00
What's wrong with the elite?
In these times of rising populisme, 'post-truth' and 'alternative facts' the elite has a hard time. The political, academic, cultural and financial …

Terugblik - 3 February 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Nelleke Noordervliet and Jan van Mersbergen
The first edition of this year of our monthly literary show. This time with Dutch writers Nellke Noordervliet and Jan van Mersbergen. And of course …

Terugblik - 29 January 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Poetry Evening featuring Mira Feticu and Tim Hofman
The Hague based author Mira Feticu replaced the poet Jules Deelder, who had to cancel for reasons of ill health. She shared the evening withTim …
Read moreTerugblik - 12 January 2017 20:30 - 22:00
Welcome to Tax Haven The Netherlands
Why is The Netherlands called a tax haven? What about the deals that the Dutch government makes with multinationals on taxes, and what are the …

Terugblik - 9 December 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Rebels with a cause: into the minds of human rights defenders
What makes a human rights defender? Why do peaceful change makers rise and why do they persevere in spite of of the counteraction, exclusion or …
Read moreTerugblik - 2 December 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Hagar Peeters and Christiaan Weijts
In our monthly literary show Jeroen Vullings hosts poet Hagar Peeters and writer Christiaan Weijts. With music by Aïcha Gill. An evening in Dutch. …

Terugblik - 30 November 2016 19:30 - 21:00
How democratic is the city?
How can citizens get more involved in local political decisions that can change their daily lives? Is the idea of an elected mayor a solution for …

Terugblik - 18 November 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Into the Writer s Brain: A.S. Byatt meets Neuroscientist Morten Kringelbach and Bas Heijne
'I think of writing simply in terms of pleasure'. Writing is the most important thing in the life of the 2016 Erasmus Prize-laureate A.S. Byatt. …

Terugblik - 4 November 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Cees Nooteboom and Christine Otten
In our monthly magazine on current Dutch literature writer Abdelkader Benali hosts Christine Otten and Cees Nooteboom. Otten will introduce her …

Terugblik - 28 October 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Trumpland - with James Kennedy, Markha Valenta and Willem Post
11 Days before the presidential elections in the USA we imagine 'Trumpland'. In 2015 Donald Trump announced that he would run for the presidency of …

Terugblik - 14 October 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Saskia De Coster and Mark Schaevers
A programme - in Dutch - with two writers presented at the Frankfurter Buchmesse: Saskia De Coster and Mark Schaevers. Moderated by Johan de Boose, …

Terugblik - 7 October 2016 20:30 - 22:00
Literary Show: Kader Abdolah and Pieter Waterdrinker
Our monthly show on current Dutch literature tonight focussed on writer Kader Abdolah and Pieter Waterdrinker. Jeroen Vullings interviewed Abdolah on …

Terugblik - 4 October 2016 20:30 - 22:00
A Story of Eastern Europe: Ilija Trojanow and Guido Snel
Eastern Europe has witnessed extensive political and social change in the past few decades. What is the effect of that change on its people? And what …

Terugblik - 16 September 2016 20:30 - 22:00
B-Unlimited Kick-Off with Griet Op de Beeck and Charlotte Mutsaers
A full house witnessed the kick-off of the very first season of B-Unlimited, the new centre for literature, science and debate in The Hague! Alderman …